Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sleepy Boxer

This is a colored pencil drawing/painting I've been working on for the past few evenings. It was done as an experiment on hot press watercolor paper which I found worked really well with colored pencils - the best surface I've found so far and I've tried alot of them.



Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Well done.
I notice on your masthead that you list your animals before your handsome husband ;)
My hubby and I are besotted by two cats, particularly, our entertaining and beautiful male longhair tabby, Wendell. He always says that if I had to choose beween him and Wendell, he'd lose. Not necessarily, but I don't want to have to find out!

hissnhowl said...

That's very funny Mary:) I guess I did list them first didn't I... I wouldn't want to have to choose either.
Thanks for the compliment! I appreciate it very much,