Today I got together with my very talented sister in law and tried my hand at needle felting. I made this little bear with his wool sweater and hat. It was SO fun - I can't wait to try another one!
I just had to take a moment to show off the work of my very talented friend Donna - I got this in the mail this morning and took it with me to work so I could spend the whole day looking at it! I just love it!! And loved the "Washington or Bust" too - this little baa traveled all the way from Montana to come and live with me:)
I've started training to do a 5K run at our local Holland Happening in mid-April. My friend Shirley and I are walk/jogging around the track 3 nights a week. I think that is what is to blame for this little watercolor doodle's hair looking like cinnamon rolls:)
A quick little Monday night watercolor sketch on a postcard that I'm sending to a friend for her birthday...
I went to the most wonderful concert a few weeks ago and can't stop listening to violinist Alasdair Fraser and while I'm in the studio listening I thought I might as well paint something...